Year 6 Trip to Holdenby House

This week, Year 6 had a wonderful, educational day out at Holdenby House to complement their Britain at War learning.
The children were taught a variety of skills and enjoyed learning about the weekly rations and helping Mrs North in the kitchen preparing seasonal wartime food; helping Mrs Fort with her Make-Do-and-Mend project; and learning about air raid shelters and gas masks with ‘The Major’.
Below is an account from students about their day...
Get to the Shelters!
The first thing that we did in Miss Hilson's group was go with "Major" to the on-site air raid shelter. It was very deep underground and we talked about different shelters and gas masks.
Next we were escorted by Mrs Foe to an old-fashioned bedroom, in which we talked about how we also rationed clothes and how we reused old ones.
Lastly, we were with Mrs North where we learnt how to ration food and not to waste it. Did you know, you can make tea out of carrots and chocolate out of potatoes?!
By Maisey, Benji and Dylan 6H