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Attendance and Absence

As of this year, all schools are required to provide a 32.5-hour week for pupils. To ensure we meet this statutory requirement, the school gates will open at 8:30am and will close promptly at 8:40am.

A whistle will then be blown for pupils to line up outside classrooms, after which they will be led into class by teaching staff. Parents will then be required to leave the playground by the fire track exit.

All pupils arriving late will be required to report to the School office, where a late register will operate, supporting new attendance regulations also coming in to force from August 2024.

Once class teachers assume responsibility for pupils at 8:40am, they will be unable to have conversations with families and as such any morning messages should be given to office staff.

Please make sure your child arrives at school on time. In this way, he/she can appreciate the importance of punctuality and form good habits early. 

Our attendance target is 100% and we expect pupils to attend every day.

If, for any reason your child is too ill to attend school, please report any absences to the school office  by 8.45am either by email: or by telephone 01295 720224 stating your Child's name, Class and Reason for absence.